Product Details:
At the Seedcamp in Kauzen / Austria the geodesic dome ZENDOME.75B of our Austrian distribution partner showed itself from a completely new side, once again proving its versatility and flexibility.
Art, music and party, discussions and philosophy, yoga and meditation where the main themes of the Open Space Creativity Camp from 1st to the 10th of June 2007. At the centre of the creative festival: the ZENDOME.75B
Amongst other things he offered a perfect projection space for many artists working with projection installations. The membrane of the ZENDOME made from translucent polyester makes all this possible: it guarantees an undistorted projection that can be seen from the inside and outside of the Dome. Due to this feature the VJs could provide the ZENDOME with a very different face following the nature of the Seedcamp.
The ZENDOME.75 – a perfect viewpoint of this interactive festival.