ZENDOME.evolution is the protagonist in Berlin's Museum für Gegenwart (Museum for Contemporary Art) staged by the argentinian artist Tomas Saraceno: As a special construction 75 square meters of ZENDOME connect with 19 other organic space meshworks thus creating a three-dimensional vision of our environment.
With his exhibition ‚Cloud Cities‘ Saraceno is realizing his vision of mobile architecture synergetically integrating into its environment from September 2011 until January 2012.
The installation 'Observatory / Air Port City‘ is asking the visitors to enter the geodesic structure. Inside of the huge balloon at a height of six meters they can move on walkable membrane thus conveying their movements upon the other visitors.
With this request for Saracenos art piece ZENDOME.evolution is implementing a unique solution with a special creative pretension, that did already arouse attention 2008 in the London Hayward Gallery.