Further Informations:
Ausstellung “Psycho Buildings”
The nearly 200-page catalog of the exhibition “Psycho Buildings” is available from Hayward Publishing under the ISBN-number 978 1 85332 268 6.
We thank you for the provision and release of the photo material at:
Magdalena Rakita (Image No. 1)
Nils Vik (Image No. 2)
Barbara Cinotti (Image No. 3)
Stephen White (Images No. 4, 7, 8. Tomas Saraceno. Observatory, Air-Port-City, 2008. Mixed media. Courtesy the artist and Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York)
trebortheklaf (Images No. 5, 6)
Many thanks to the many photographers who visually accompanied the cathedral sculpture “Observatory, Air-Port-City, 2008” by Tomas Saraceno and documented it at Flickr!